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Getting Started

In the event that you get stuck on a new world without your trusty TARDIS, you may have to locate a new one. Since it is definitely not possible to construct a Model 82-4 TARDIS using only the resources found on such a world, you will have to use unconventional means to obtain it.

Attracting a TARDIS

One thing you are able to make use of is the tendency for trajectories of ships travelling the time vortex to intersect. By constructing a rudimentary vessel to enter the time vortex, you stand a good chance of being picked up by a stray timeship. Once inside, it should be trivial for any sufficiently trained individual to safely rematerialize their new TARDIS.

Blueprints for a basic vessel capable of entering the time vortex are displayed below, using materials most likely to be available on any new world.


Start by constructing some base components, including a Makeshift Tardis Engine, Handbrake, and about half a stack of Tardis Plating

Makeshift Tardis Engine Recipe Handbrake Recipe Plating Recipe


Once you've collected these materials, you'll be able to construct your makeshift TARDIS. See the blueprint below for instructions.


The beacon and lever looking blocks in this blueprint are actually the Makeshift Engine and Handbrake respectively. Using a vanilla beacon and/or lever here will not work.


The console of your makeshift TARDIS (made of Birch Stairs in this blueprint) can be made of any block.



Once you have built your makeshift TARDIS, using it is as simple as getting on and pulling the Handbrake. For your own safety, please make sure to stay inside the dematerialization zone while your TARDIS is taking off.


Using the makeshift TARDIS will deposit it and you into a fully-fledged Model 82-4 timeship, which will be in flight at your moment of entry. As you will have limited time to safely land your new TARDIS, it is highly recommended that you read at least the Flying a TARDIS 101 page of this manual before operating your makeshift timeship.

When you enter your new timeship, you can perform a basic landing by just pulling the Handbrake on the main console. This will, however, most likely land you quite far away from the position you entered the vortex from. To combat this, it is recommended to correct any Error before landing, as explained in the Flying a TARDIS 101 page.