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Console Layout

While the TARDIS console is fully reconfigurable, you will probably want to use the standard layout to begin with. This page names and explains these controls.

All controls are included with every TARDIS by default, but recipes to craft additional copies/replacements are also included on this page.

For ease of use ingame, you may want to install a mod like Polydex (server-side) or WTHIT (client-side), as these will be able to identify controls for you at a glance.


Marked Console Image

  1. Artron Scoop Activator
  2. Target Localization Corrector 1 (Negative X)
  3. Target Localization Corrector 2 (Positive X)
  4. Lateral Target Localization Corrector
  5. Lateral Targeting Selective State Switch
  6. Artron Conduit Controller
  7. Localization Scale Interpreter
  8. Target Localization Corrector 3 (Negative Z)
  9. Handbrake
  10. Power Coupling (Under the trapdoor)
  11. Target Localization Corrector 4 (Positive Z)
  12. Space-time Destination Reset Switch
  13. Centrifugal Facing Modifier
  14. Space-time Target Lock-in

Detailed Reference

Artron Scoop Activator

Toggles refueling mode, can only be activated when the TARDIS is landed and Artron Conduits are turned off.

Refueling mode slowly refills the artron batteries of the TARDIS over time, which are used up during flight.


Scoop Activator Recipe

Target Localization Corrector

These buttons are used to offset your target destination. They are intended to be used in conjunction with the Scale Interpreter to easily cover larger distances.

One of these buttons will always offset your destination in the direction you face when placing it. They can be placed on floors, walls, and ceilings, but when placed on walls, they offset in the direction facing away from the face they're placed on instead.

To modify your destination vertically, use the Lateral Target Localization Corrector.


Localization Corrector variant 1 Recipe Localization Corrector variant 2 Recipe

Lateral Target Localization Corrector

This button is used in conjunction with the adjacent state switch to move your destination on the Y axis. When the state switch is disabled, pressing the corrector will snap your destination to the next valid landing spot directly below the current destination. Having the state switch enabled does the exact same thing, except moving up instead of down.


Lateral Corrector Recipe State Switch Recipe

Artron Conduit Controller

This toggle has to be activated as a prerequisite for taking off, but will, while active, also constantly drain a slight amount of artron energy.

Deactivating Artron Conduits while already in flight will let your TARDIS enter suspended flight mode, massively reducing fuel consumption while still staying in the time vortex.


Conduit Controller Recipe

Localization Scale Interpreter

Configures the coordinate scale used by Target Localization Correctors. Setting to state 1, 2, 3, and 4 will apply a scale of 1, 10, 100, and 1000 respectively.


Scale Interpreter Recipe


This lever triggers both takeoff and landing sequences.

Also used in interdimensional drifting.


Handbrake Recipe

Power Coupling

The Power Coupling can be used to completely turn off your TARDIS, or reboot it in case of critical systems failure.


Power Coupling Recipe

Space-time Destination Reset Switch

Using this button will set your destination back to your current location.


Destination Reset Switch Recipe

Centrifugal Facing Modifier

A quad-state switch that can be used to change the facing of your TARDIS after landing.


Facing Modifier Recipe

Space-time Target Lock-in

This button can be toggled on to lock your current target destination. Your destination must be locked to be able to take off.

Unlocking your destination mid-flight also has several uses, including mid-flight course correction and interdimensional drifting.


Target Lock-in